Hello, my name is Andrew,
I'm an Experience Designer
from Boston

My Story

Grew up just outside of Boston

Played sports growing up, mostly hockey

Went to Holy Cross, studied Economics

Graduated and had no idea what I wanted to do

Started out in finance, worked at State Street

Figured out what I didn't want to do

Became obsessed with tech and startups

Tried to start a company

It didn't go very well, but I learned a ton

Taught myself design and learned to code

Took a Front End Web Development class at GA

Helped out a couple of friends with websites

Consulted at a craft beer distributor

Helped them bring Yuengling to market in MA

Worked on various projects to double their volume, cleanup their database, and improve a couple of internal processes

Watched this video about UX

Started my own UX Toolkit

Took another class at GA, this time UXD

Designing my first app now

Just launched Logoly Grown

Now I'm looking to make something really cool.
Email me if you are looking for help.